Concealment & Scrapper: PvP Guide by Knin (5.9)
- Corrections and revisions made throughout to bring the guide up to date as of game update 5.9.2a.
- Guide has been given a thorough makeover.
- Ability and item tooltips added.
- Stats and Gear chapter has been rewritten to reflect new findings about Alacrity and addition of new augments.
Term | Definition |
AoE | area of effect |
CC | crowd control: refers to abilities/effects that incapacitate enemies (mezzes, saps and stuns) or hamper their movement (roots and slows) |
DCD | defensive cooldown |
DoT | damage over time |
DPS | damage per second, also a synonym for damage dealer |
DR | damage reduction |
GCD | global cooldown |
hard stun | 2.5- to 4-second CC that doesn't break on damage taken (e.g., Debilitate or Dirty Kick) |
HoT | heal over time |
LoS | line of sight |
mez | 4- to 8-second CC that breaks on damage taken (e.g., Flash Bang or Flash Grenade) |
root | type of CC that prevents enemy movement |
slow | type of CC that slows enemy movement |

Concealment (Scrapper) is a melee discipline with high burst damage. It has great mobility, stealth and powerful off-healing from Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) and Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack). It can isolate and control enemies with an array of CCs. It excels in duels and small engagements, making it equally suited to arenas and objective play in warzones.
A rundown of Concealment and Scrapper’s pros and cons are given in the following table.
Pros | Cons |
on-hand burst | burst management relies on an internal timer |
high mobility | weak swap damage (switching from one target to another) |
short cooldowns on DCDs: Evasion (Dodge), Shield Probe (Defense Screen) and Exfiltrate (Scamper) | vulnerable when CC’d (no damage reduction while stunned) |
powerful off-healing | subpar in team fights |
This guide is written so that both Concealment and Scrapper players can refer to it. Except for reasons of clarity, Imperial ability names will be followed by the Republic equivalent, e.g., Evasion (Dodge).
Game Update 5.0 Highlights
- Gear no longer carries Expertise. There is no distinction between PvP and PvE gear.
- PvP gear has been removed from fleet vendors.
- War Hero crystals now carry Mastery instead of Expertise.
- After reaching level 70, subscribers are able to earn Command XP (CXP) towards Command ranks (1–300) on a per-character basis.
- Every time you gain a Command rank, you receive a
Command Crate containing random items (gear, cosmetic items, pets, crafting materials, etc.). The stats and set bonuses on gear depend on your discipline (Medicine, Concealment, etc.) when opening the crate. The maximum item rating of gear from
Command Crates depends on your Command rank, as given in the table below.
Item | Max. Item Rating | Command Rank |
Command Crate - Tier 1 | 230 | 1–89 |
Command Crate - Tier 2 | 236 | 90–179 |
Command Crate - Tier 3 | 242 | 180–299 |
Command Crate - Tier 4 | 248 | 300 |
Stats and Gear
Acquiring Gear
There are three ways to get gear.
- Obtain gear drops from Operations.
- Obtain Unassembled Componentsto trade in for gear. You can earn them at the following rates by participating in PvP.
- By opening
Command Crates, which are earned each time you gain a Command rank. This method is supplementary to the first two.
Command Crates are RNG boxes much like the Cartel Market packs. Crates contain
Command Tokens (which are used to purchase tier 1 gear directly from vendors) and three or more other items, one of which could be a piece of gear carrying a set bonus.
Difficulty | Item Rating |
Story Mode | 236 |
Veteran (Hard Mode) | 242 |
Master (Nightmare) | 248 |
Unranked Warzone | Unranked Arena | Ranked Solo Arena | Ranked Group Arena | |
Win | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 |
Loss | 8 | 5 | 10 | 10 |
Daily Mission | 25 | 40 | 75 | |
Weekly Mission | 135 | 250 | 500 |

Stat Priority
Your priority is to meet the first or second Alacrity threshold, corresponding to global cooldowns of 1.4 or 1.3s respectively. These values are given in the table below. You can read more about the peculiarities of Alacrity Rating in rambol’s article Alacrity and the Global Cooldown or the relevant section of her guide to Stats and Damage Calculation. In short, exceeding these thresholds is largely a waste of your tertiary stat budget.
Alacrity Rating | Alacrity (%) | Global Cooldown (s) |
0–702 | <7.15% | 1.5 |
703–1859 | 7.15–15.40% | 1.4 |
≥1860 | ≥15.41% | 1.3 |
Once you’ve met the desired threshold, spend the remainder of your tertiary stat budget on Critical Rating. While Critical Rating gives diminishing returns, it continues to be more useful than Mastery and Power beyond current stat budgets.
Optimal Gear and Item Modifications
The following table lists the optimal gear and item modifications for Concealment as of game update 5.9.2a. Combine different earpieces, augments, enhancements and implants to achieve the desired values of Alacrity Rating and Critical Rating.

Datacrons are objects that can be found on the many worlds of SWTOR. When collected, each grants a small stat increase (Mastery or Endurance). In 4.0, all the class-specific stats (Aim, Cunning, Strength and Willpower) were rolled into one called Mastery. This means that if you haven’t collected all the datacrons (some of which may have been worthless to you prior to 4.0), you are missing out on a significant stat increase (126 Mastery, 35 Endurance and 42 Presence).
The good news is that collecting datacrons now benefits all characters in your legacy. This is retroactive for datacrons previously collected.
If you are missing any datacrons, there are many detailed maps and guides online.
Companion Influence Bonuses
Each class in SWTOR has five unique companions, met throughout the course of the first three chapters of each class storyline.
Completing a companion’s side quest chain unlocks a legacy-wide bonus. There are five bonuses in total, one for each class’s ranged tank, melee DPS, healer, ranged DPS and melee tank companion. Each bonus can only be unlocked once per legacy.
Role | Imperial Agent Companion | Bonus |
ranged tank | Kaliyo | +1% max HP |
melee DPS | Vector | +1% Critical Multiplier |
healer | Doctor Lokin | +1% healing received |
ranged DPS | Ensign Temple | +1% Critical Chance |
melee tank | Scorpio | +1% Accuracy |
Further Reading
Bant is a well-known theorycrafter who developed a mathematical model to determine optimal stat allocation for typical PvE scenarios. His thread (last updated for 5.0.1a) is well worth reading. While Bant no longer plays, multi, another theorycrafter, continues to post updates using Bant’s model. If you are interested in hardcore raiding and min/maxing, these threads are required reading.
See also rambol’s guide to Stats and Damage Calculation.
Recommended Build
This recommended loadout for warzones and ranked arenas is balanced in terms of defense and damage. In the next section, each utility is examined in more depth.
Imperial | Republic | Description |
Chem-resistant Inlays | Scar Tissue | Increases damage reduction by 5%. |
Slip Away | Dirty Escape | Reduces the cooldown of Debilitate (Dirty Kick) by 15 seconds. |
Precision Instruments | Anatomy Lessons | Reduces the energy cost of Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) by 5 and makes Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) immobilize the target for 2 seconds. |
Fortified Kolto | Supplemented Medpac | While your Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) is active on yourself, your damage reduction is increased by 3% per stack. |
Cunning Competencies | Dirty Trickster | Countermeasures (Surrender) purges all movement-imparing effects when activated. Additionally, when Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) wears off, the target is struck by Sedatives (Sedatives), reducing all damage dealt by 50% for the next 10 seconds. |
Evasive Imperative | Scramble | Every time you get attacked, the active cooldown of your Evasion (Dodge) is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. |
Revitalizers | Surprise Comeback | Stim Boost (Pugnacity) now additionally grants Revitalizers (Surprise Comeback), restoring 5% of total health every 3 seconds and reducing your damage received by 20% for the duration. |
Blow for Blow | Back at Ya | Activating Evasion (Dodge) grants Blow for Blow (Back at Ya), returning 150% of direct single target tech and Force damage taken back to the attacker while Evasion (Dodge) is active. |
You can change some of these around based on your playstyle and goals.
- For a more aggressive style and a shorter cooldown on Holotraverse (Trick Move), your gap closer, you can take Circumvention (Sleight of Foot) over Blow for Blow (Back at Ya) in the legendary tier.
- For greater survivability, take Nanotech Suit (Smuggled Get-up) over Slip Away (Dirty Escape) in the skillful tier, Med Shield (Med Screen) over Precision Instruments (Anatomy Lessons) in the masterful tier, Escape Plan (Smuggled Defenses) over Evasive Imperative (Scramble) in the heroic tier and Augmented Shields (Hotwired Defenses) over Blow for Blow (Back at Ya) in the legendary tier.
Utilities Overview
These are the two best utilities in this tier, useful in almost every situation. Nanotech Suit (Smuggled Get-up) is a close second but only recommended for duels against specific classes.
Not recommended. This is strictly a PvE utility.

Striking a target with Shiv (Blaster Whip) or Veiled Strike (Bludgeon) grants Hit and Run (Holdout Defense), increasing your movement speed by 50% for 3 seconds.
Not recommended. While great for running the ball in Huttball, for example, other utilities outshine this.

Reduces all area of effect damage taken by 30%.
This is a great dueling utility (against Engineering Snipers, for example). In solo ranked or warzones, you get more out of Slip Away (Dirty Escape).
Not recommended. As explained above, Operatives have enough tools to create and close distance and the benefits of an increased stealth level are negligible.

Overload Shot (Quick Shot) and Noxious Knives (Lacerating Blast) reduce the movement speed of the targets they damage by 40% for 6 seconds. In addition, when Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) ends it leaves behind Flash Powder that reduces the target’s Accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds.
The only useful component of this utility is its Accuracy reduction. This can be used defensively or to relieve pressure from your healer in team ranked. Not recommended outside of team ranked.

Reduces the energy cost of Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) by 5 and makes Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) immobilize the target for 2 seconds.
Recommended. This utility helps you lock down targets and keep them in range for greater DPS. It’s a close call between this and Med Shield (Med Screen).

Reduces the cooldown of Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) by 30 seconds. In addition, activating Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) increases movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds.
This utility is only situationally useful and not recommended.

Your Shield Probe (Defense Screen) heals you for 5% of your maximum health when it collapses.
Recommended. This utility, like Nanotech Suit (Smuggled Get-up), is most useful in duels against certain classes/disciplines. If you prefer more survivability, however, you can take this over Precision Instruments (Anatomy Lessons).

Adrenaline Probe (Cool Head) now immediately restores 15 additional energy.
Not recommended. Only useful for PvE.

While your Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) is active on yourself, your damage reduction is increased by 3% per stack.
This is a must-pick utility! Combined with Chem-resistant Inlays (Scar Tissue), you have 11% damage reduction with (ideally) 100% uptime.

Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) will now grant a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
This utility is of little use and not recommended.

When activated, Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) grants 2 seconds of Evasion (Dodge).
Not recommended. With Evasive Imperative (Scramble), Evasion (Dodge) will typically be available to pop just before Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act).

Every time you get attacked, the active cooldown of your Evasion (Dodge) is reduced by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.
This is a top-tier utility and strongly recommended, especially if you find yourself constantly under fire. If you are attacked at least every 1.5 seconds, the cooldown of Evasion (Dodge) drops to nearly 20 seconds.
This utility synergizes well with Blow for Blow (Back at Ya): you will have a 3-second, 150% single-target reflect as often as every 20 seconds!

Countermeasures (Surrender) will also purge all movement-impairing effects when activated. Additionally, when Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) wears off, the target is struck by Sedatives, reducing all damage dealt by 50% for the next 10 seconds.
This is another must-pick utility, which turns Countermeasures (Surrender) into a root breaker. Combined with the passive ability Ghost (Fight or Flight), this is your answer to roots, slows and other escape mechanics.

Reduces the cooldown of Escape (Escape) by 30 seconds, Shield Probe (Defense Screen) by 5 seconds, and Infiltrate (Smuggle) by 60 seconds.
This utility is another top-tier pick. Currently, it fights for a permanent spot with Evasive Imperative (Scramble). If you find yourself tunneled in every match, Evasive Imperative (Scramble) is the way to go. If not, pick this.

When used from stealth, Backstab (Back Blast) knocks down the target for 3 seconds. If the target is a player, they will be interrupted and immobilized for 3 seconds.
Situational. This utility gives you a third root for even more control.

Reduces the cooldown of Holotraverse (Trick Move) by 10 seconds and Holotraverse (Trick Move) can be used while immobilized and purges movement-impairing effects when used. Additionally, Holotraverse (Trick Move) grants a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
This utility has its pros and cons. One the one hand, it gives Concealment Operatives incredible mobility. It also grants a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand), allowing you to follow up with immediate damage.
“What is the con?” you may ask. Well, dear reader, Holotraverse (Trick Move) is a temperamental and buggy ability. You may end up near your target, halfway across the map, get launched into orbit, fall into the abyss of the map or not move at all! While fun in regular warzones, this utility can’t be relied on in ranked play.

Exfiltrate (Scamper) grants a charge of Mobile Strategies (Slippery Shooter), reducing the energy cost of your next Overload Shot (Quick Shot) by 100%, allowing it to be used at 30m, and making it knock the target back. Each use of Overload Shot (Quick Shot) consumes a charge of Mobile Strategies (Slippery Shooter) and grants 10 energy.
Not recommended. Great for trolling but there are much better options.

Stim Boost (Pugnacity) now additionally grants Revitalizers (Surprise Comeback), restoring 5% of total health every 3 seconds and reducing damage received by 20% for 15 seconds.
A must-pick utility. This will save your butt so often, you’ll never be able to pay it back.

Countermeasures (Surrender) grants Curative Agent (Sly Surrender), causing your next Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) on a new target to immediately grant two stacks. Additionally, Countermeasures (Surrender) heals you for 1% of your maximum health every second for 10 seconds and Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) now initially restores 𝑥 health and then additionally restores 𝑦 health over 9 seconds.
Not recommended. In most circumstances, this utility is useless to Concealment Operatives.

Increase the amount of damage absorbed by Shield Probe (Defense Screen) by 30%.
Its usefulness is up for debate. As Revitalizers (Surprise Comeback) is a must-pick utility, you have a choice between this and Blow for Blow (Back at Ya). If you find yourself unable to time Evasion (Dodge) to leverage its 150% reflect, take Augmented Shields (Hotwired Defenses) instead. It helps mitigate burst and, when combined with Escape Plan (Smuggled Defenses), puts Shield Probe (Defense Screen) on a 25-second cooldown.

Evasion (Dodge) grants a charge of Blow for Blow (Back at Ya), returning 150% single target tech or Force damage while Evasion (Dodge) is active for 3 seconds.
This is a fantastic utility. It has the highest return percentage of any reflect in the game at a whopping 150%. That is, if you were hit by Heatseeker Missiles (Demolition Round) for 30k damage with Evasion (Dodge) active, the attacker would take 45k damage back. Note, however, that you still take the initial 30k damage. It’s a close call between this and Augmented Shields (Hotwired Defenses) and ultimately comes down to personal preference.
Because Blow for Blow (Back at Ya) synergizes so well with Evasive Imperative (Scramble), if you choose not to take Blow for Blow (Back at Ya), there is a good argument to be made to take Escape Plan (Smuggled Defenses) over Evasive Imperative (Scramble).
Key Abilities and Passives

Defeating an opponent or activating Shiv (Blaster Whip) puts you in a position of Tactical Advantage (gives you the Upper Hand), enabling the use of executions (exploits) for 𝑥 seconds. Up to 2 charges of Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) can exist at once.
Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) is a resource gained by using
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon),
- Backstab (Back Blast) from stealth or on a target marked with Revealing Weakness (Hot and Ready),
- Stim Boost (Pugnacity),
- Holotraverse (Trick Move) (with the Circumvention (Sleight of Foot) utility),
- Laceration (Sucker Punch) on a target affected by one of your poisons (subject to an internal cooldown) or
- by getting a killing blow.
There will be times when you are out of TAs and need to use a filler ability: either Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast), Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) or Corrosive Dart (Vital Shot). This filler window should only be equivalent to one GCD.
Your character will laugh when you gain a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) charge if you previously had none.

Executes your Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) to grant Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) to you and your Operation group members within 40 meters, increasing critical chance by 10% for 10 seconds. Does not break stealth.
This ability can be used in 8-man warzones but not in arenas (ranked or unranked). Try to use Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) on cooldown.
Good combos include
- Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon),
- Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) then
- Backstab (Back Blast)
- Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon) + Stim Boost (Pugnacity),
- Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck),
- Backstab (Back Blast) then
- Laceration (Sucker Punch).
Try to combine Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) with your autocrit Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) to further increase its damage.
This is your emergency energy regeneration. Use it sparingly as it’s on a two-minute cooldown. They could be the longest two minutes of your life if you’re energy starved.

Gain Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck), boosting your Alacrity by 10% for 15 seconds. Does not break stealth.
This is the only ability in your kit that increases the rate at which you deal damage/heal. Keep in mind that Alacrity
- decreases the GCD,
- makes HoTs tick faster,
- reduces cast/channel times and
- reduces the cooldown of many abilities.
Stim Boost (Pugnacity) is versatile: it can be used offensively, increasing your burst potential, or as a defensive cooldown (with the Revitalizers (Surprise Comeback) utility).

Summons a droid that heals a friendly target for 𝑥 over 18 seconds. Stacks up to 2 times.
You should aim for 100% uptime on two stacks of Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac), assuming you have taken Fortified Kolto (Supplemented Medpac). This grants 6% damage reduction, which stacks with the 5% from Chem-resistant Inlays (Scar Tissue), totaling 11%.
You should typically stack Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) on teammates in solo ranked. However, you generally needn’t worry about off-healing teammates in warzones.

Strikes the target for 𝑥 kinetic damage, granting a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
Makes targets susceptible, increasing the damage they take from tech attacks by 5% for 45 seconds.
This is one of your main ways to get Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) charges. It’s on a relatively short cooldown and should be used whenever available. Prioritize this before Backstab (Back Blast), which will do increased damage to susceptible targets.

Ambushes an enemy for 𝑥 kinetic damage. Only usable while behind the target. If used from stealth, Backstab (Back Blast) deals 𝑦 kinetic damage and grants a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
Backstab (Back Blast) also applies Acid Blade (Flechette Round), which causes an additional 𝑥 internal damage over 6 seconds and increases your armor penetration by 30% for 15 seconds.
This is one of your two main burst abilities. This will hit consistently for around 20k and has a 12-second cooldown. It should also generate a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) most times you use it. Combine with Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) to maximize burst damage.

Injects a substance into the target that, after settling in for a few [3] seconds, will react when the target takes damage from one of your poisons, dealing 𝑥 internal damage and making your target assailable for 45 seconds. Assailable targets take 7% more damage from elemental and internal attacks.
Your primary burst ability. Hits like a truck and deals internal damage, making it one of the best offensive abilities in the game. Combo with Backstab (Back Blast) against a susceptible target for insane burst potential.

Executes your Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand), lacerating the target for 𝑥 kinetic damage. Requires and consumes Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
The bread and butter of Concealment. This does a decent amount of damage and you will be spamming it throughout fights.
Benefits from Collateral Strike (Flying Fists), a passive in the Concealment tree which causes Laceration (Sucker Punch) to trigger a secondary hit dealing 𝑥 kinetic damage. Additionally, Tactical Opportunity (Round Two) causes Collateral Strike (Flying Fists) to refund a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) when hitting a poisoned target (up to every 10 seconds).

Slices the target low for 𝑥 kinetic damage and immobilizes it, preventing it from moving or turning for 4 seconds.
My favorite Concealment ability. Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) is like a stun: it not only roots targets but makes them unable to turn for the duration. Move behind them and, without a cleanse/purge, they’re wide open for 4 seconds. Great set-up for a burst window.

Throws a knife at the target, dealing 𝑥 kinetic damage and slowing the target’s movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds.
A great ability in its own right, Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) is enhanced by the Precision Instruments (Anatomy Lessons) utility, which adds to it a 2-second root. This is another tool to catch up with and stick to targets.
This hard stun is your main tool to set up burst. Without a breaker, your target is at your mercy for 4 seconds.

Summons a probe that projects a shield around the Agent, absorbing a moderate amount of incoming damage for 10 seconds. Does not break stealth.
A potent defensive cooldown on a 30-second cooldown (or 25 seconds with the Escape Plan (Smuggled Defenses) utility). Shield Probe (Defense Screen) is versatile: it can absorb big hits or prevent you from being immediately knocked out of stealth by DoTs, etc. While best saved in anticipation of burst windows, you will get value just using it off cooldown.

Increases your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks by 200% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth.
Another powerful defensive cooldown. Evasion (Dodge) is normally on a 45-second cooldown but this can be cut to nearly 20 seconds with the Evasive Imperative (Scramble) utility (if you are attacked at least every 1.5 seconds).
The Operative passive ability Preparedness (Street Tough) additionally causes Evasion (Dodge) to purge all hostile removable effects when activated.
Evasion (Dodge) is also enhanced by the Blow for Blow (Back at Ya) utility, causing it to reflect 150% of single target tech and Force attacks back at attackers for its duration.
Altogether, this makes Evasion (Dodge) an insane cooldown that can be used defensively and offensively.

Roll forward 12 meters. Activating Exfiltrate (Scamper) a second time within 10 seconds allows you to roll again, but puts the ability on cooldown for 10 seconds. While rolling, your chance to dodge melee and ranged attacks is increased by 30%. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.
This ability gives Operatives incredible mobility. In Concealment, Exfiltrate (Scamper) is enhanced by the Shadow Operative Elite (Slippery Devil) passive ability, which causes you to dodge or resist all incoming attacks for 1.5 seconds after activating it. You are nigh-invulnerable for those 1.5 seconds.

Overloads your stealth generator, immediately exiting combat and entering stealth mode. For 10 seconds, you become virtually undetectable.
A powerful and versatile cooldown, Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) enables you to reset combat or escape an unwinnable fight.
Use only as a filler ability or to detonate your Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) on a target out of range of Backstab (Back Blast). In unranked warzones, you can generally use this whenever. In arenas or when trying to take an objective, however, be wary of breaking or preventing an important CC.
This is your breaker, arguably your most important cooldown. Only use it to break stuns, mezzes or, in certain situations, the hinder associated with Electro Net (Electro Net). Never use Escape (Escape) to break a root.
Typically, you should only break when you are white-barred (briefly immune to further CCs) and in danger of dying. It may sometimes be worth breaking to peel for a teammate or chase a kill but this is risky.
When Escape (Escape) is on cooldown, you are vulnerable and should play cautiously. Operatives have no defensive cooldowns that can be used while stunned and, without the support of teammates, you can be killed within one or two 4-second hard stuns.
Escape (Escape) will purge the hinder associated with Electro Net (Electro Net), enabling you to use Exfiltrate (Scamper), Holotraverse (Trick Move) and Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act). Its stacking DoT cannot be purged, however, so you will need to use Shield Probe (Defense Screen), Exfiltrate (Scamper) or Evasion (Dodge) to prevent yourself from being immediately decloaked.

Supercharge your stealth generator, quickly moving you to a friendly or enemy target and increasing your movement speed by 75% for 3 seconds. Does not break stealth. Cannot be used against enemy targets in cover.
Can be used as a gap closer to keep up pressure on a target/secure a kill or to reposition/escape danger.
Only use Holotraverse (Trick Move) when you have an unbroken line of sight (no obstacles in the way). Otherwise, you’re liable to find yourself stuck in odd places, flying into space or even exploring the uncoded regions of the game.
The Circumvention (Sleight of Foot) utility enables you to use Holotraverse (Trick Move) while rooted and causes it to purge movement-impairing effects and generate a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand). However, because Holotraverse (Trick Move) is unreliable and buggy, spending a utility point here is not recommended.

Detonates a flash bang that blinds the target for 8 seconds. Damage causes this effect to end prematurely.
The Operative passive ability Preparedness (Street Tough) causes Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) to affect up to seven additional enemies within 5 meters of the target, turning it into a powerful AoE mez. It’s great for
- peeling for allies,
- stunning enemies to cap an objective and
- stunning a group then isolating and killing a target.

Puts the target to sleep for 60 seconds. Damage will break the effect prematurely. Only usable from stealth and only usable on targets not in combat. Only one target can be incapacitated at a time. Does not affect droids.
Sleep Dart benefits from Cunning Competencies (Dirty Trickster). This utility causes targets struck by Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) to suffer from Sedatives, which reduces their damage dealt by 50% for 10 seconds.
Use Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) to
- cap an objective from a defender in unranked warzones or
- even the odds (when outnumbered) or give your team a numbers advantage.
Player targets are incapacitated for 8 seconds, not 60 seconds.
Use Toxin Scan (Triage) to
- cleanse teammates of tech or physical effects, e.g., Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) or
- cleanse yourself of tech or physical roots in duels or when out of position in warzones/arenas.
For a more thorough treatment of cleansing, see rambol and Hottie’s Complete Guide to Cleansing in PvP.

Executes your Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand) to heal the target immediately for 𝑥. Requires and consumes a Tactical Advantage (Upper Hand).
Don’t underestimate Concealment’s powerful off-healing. In conjunction with Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac), Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) gives Concealment players and their teammates a lot of sustain. Use it on yourself in duels or to support teammates in warzones/arenas. It may not seem like much, but it can save lives and win games.
Countermeasures (Surrender) is enhanced by the Cunning Competencies (Dirty Trickster) utility, which causes it to purge all movement-impairing effects on activation. Additionally, the Ghost (Fight or Flight) passive ability in the Concealment tree gives Countermeasures (Surrender) a 50% increase to your movement speed for 6 seconds. This makes Countermeasures (Surrender) an equally powerful tool for chasing and escaping from enemies.
Concealment has high burst output and high sustained DPS. You can regularly deal 40–50k in a single GCD with Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) and Backstab (Back Blast). Your sustained damage revolves around spamming Laceration (Sucker Punch) after the Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) burst window.
The standard opener for regular warzones/solo ranked matches is
- Backstab (Back Blast),
- Stim Boost (Pugnacity) + Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon),
- Laceration (Sucker Punch) then
- Laceration (Sucker Punch).
This maximizes your opening burst with an autocrit Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler).
Taking Objectives
To sap cap an objective,
- get as close to the node as you can while still being in range to use Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) then
- use Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) and unstealth at exactly the same time (to make this easier, ensure both abilities are bound to adjacent keys) and click the node.
If the defender breaks, you must use Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) and click the node at exactly the same time.
This guarantees your cap as long as there is only one defender and they don’t have another means to break CC, e.g., Force Barrier (Force Barrier), or interrupt your cap, e.g., Shoulder Cannon (Shoulder Cannon). In this event, you can either disengage and wait for a more opportune moment, use Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) and repeat steps 1 and 2, or engage the defender.
If you choose to go on the offensive, use the following opener:
- Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer),
- Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Debilitate (Dirty Kick),
- Stim Boost (Pugnacity) + Veiled Strike (Bludgeon),
- Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) + Backstab (Back Blast),
- Laceration (Sucker Punch) then
- Laceration (Sucker Punch).
This variant of the standard opener not only forces your opponent to use their breaker but should take between 50% and 80% of their health (depending on your gear and theirs).
See our later section for tips on dueling specific classes/disciplines.
As of game update 5.9.2, Voidstar doors now take 6 seconds to arm (down from 8).
Note on Enemy Hitbox and Positioning
The red lines in the image below enclose the region behind an enemy where you can safely stand and deal damage without the target being able to return the favor (e.g., during a Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) root).
User Interface
UI Optimization
Adjust Max Camera Distance
- Go to Preferences,
- in the Game tab, select Controls,
- under Camera, set the Max Camera Distance slider to 100% then
- hit Apply then OK.
This is pretty self-explanatory. This setting lets you zoom out all the way for a better view of the terrain—more information means you can make better-informed decisions.
Show Cooldown Text
- Go to Preferences,
- in the Game tab, select User Interface,
- under Cooldown Settings (scroll down), check the box next to Show Cooldown Text then
- hit Apply then OK.
Enabling this setting will overlay a countdown timer on your quickbar icons, indicating the active cooldown of abilities.
Show Information Text on Player/Target Frames
- Open Interface Editor,
- click on Player Frame or Target Frame,
- check the box next to Show Information Text then
- click Save.
Enabling this option overlays the current HP/resource (energy, heat, rage, etc.) values on the player and target frames.
Highlight Personal Buffs and Sort by Duration
- Open Interface Editor,
- click on Player Buff Tray,
- check Highlight Effects,
- under the Effect Hightlight Max Duration dropdown box, select 1 minute and below,
- check Personal Effects,
- under the Effect Sort Type dropdown box, select Apply Time then
- click Save.
Enabling these options highlights your personal buffs, helping you keep track of your Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) stacks.
Highlight Target’s Buffs and Sort by Duration
- Open Interface Editor,
- click on Target Frame,
- increase Buff Scale as desired,
- check Show Information Text,
- under Highlight Options, check Highlight Buffs,
- under the Buff Highlight Maximum Duration dropdown box, select 1 minute and below,
- under Sort Options, check Personal Buffs,
- under the Buff Sort Type dropdown box, check By Time Remaining,
- uncheck Personal Debuffs then
- click Save.
Enabling these options helps you monitor your Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) stacks on allies. This is most useful in solo ranked games, where off-healing is often a necessity.
UI Layout
UI layouts are matter of preference and taste but, for reference, mine is arranged as in the screenshot below. The ops frame is between the two front action bars (one contains offensive abilities while the other has utilities/defensives). The six-button action bar in the top center contains key abilities whose cooldowns I want to monitor (ignore the rogue Overload Shot).
Solo Ranked
As a Concealment player, your impact increases as enemy numbers dwindle. Aim to separate and isolate opponents. Remember that, as well as raw damage, you bring stealth, powerful off-healing and CCs to the table. A summary of Concealment’s strengths and weaknesses in solo ranked is given in the table below.
Pros | Cons |
high mobility with rolls and root breakers | no damage reduction while stunned |
roll immunity enables you to avoid damage and CCs | roll forces you to reposition |
burst windows easily set up | hard to do damage while tunneled |
best dueling discipline | subpar in team fights |
powerful off-healing | |
CCs offer lots of control | |
stealth |
Your job is to tank as much damage as possible in the opening fray and help peel for your team, all the while putting out damage. That may sound more complicated than it is. The easiest way to do this is to put two stacks of Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) on yourself before the match starts then get into the enemy team as fast as possible.
Once in position, you can open with a Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) or Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) and draw their attention. Put your opening burst, Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) + Backstab (Back Blast), into the primary target.
If you get tunneled, do your best to survive. If the enemy ignores you, even better: continue to unload on the kill target, peeling for your team when necessary. If someone seems to be in trouble, you can off-heal with Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) and Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac).
This strategy will take practice and its success hinges on your teammates’ skill and cooperation.
While not everyone’s into dueling, in both warzones and arenas, you will find yourself in must-win 1 vs 1 situations. Concealment is particularly well-suited to offnode play, for instance. Understanding the basics of dueling is vital to playing Concealment to its fullest.
In this final section, a primer on general tactics is followed by a closer look at how Concealment performs against each class/discipline.
General Strategies
In general, you have two viable openers. Firstly,
- Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer),
- Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Debilitate (Dirty Kick),
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon) then
- Backstab (Back Blast).
With this, you can even pop Stim Boost (Pugnacity) + Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) before Backstab (Back Blast) then play aggressively for their durations. Popping both cooldowns at once provides maximum burst.
- Backstab (Back Blast),
- Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler),
- Debilitate (Dirty Kick),
- Veiled Strike (Bludgeon),
- Laceration (Sucker Punch) then
- Laceration (Sucker Punch).
Optionally, use Stim Boost (Pugnacity) + Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) before detonating Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler): it will most likely detonate on the last Acid Blade (Flechette Round) tick so ensure you fit Veiled Strike (Bludgeon) in before Acid Blade (Flechette Round) expires.
If you don’t get the opener against another stealther, don’t panic. Just think through your CDs and pop things accordingly. Since Blow for Blow (Back at Ya) was introduced in 5.0, countering openers (and burst) has become much easier: careless enemies risk killing themselves. Typically, popping Evasion (Dodge) will give you three seconds of catch-up time.
Burst Timing
Burst timing is a simple concept. Monitor your buff bar for your relic procs (Power and Mastery) then try to unload Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) if available or as many Lacerations (Sucker Punches) as possible.
That’s only part of the story, however. Bringing out the big guns involves not only looking out for your relic procs but for your enemy’s defensives. Against Operatives, for instance, ensure their Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) have expired and that Stim Boost (Pugnacity) isn’t up. You then have the perfect opportunity to hard stun and tear into them with Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck) and/or Stim Boost (Pugnacity). This should force them to use their CC breaker, if available. Otherwise, odds are they’re dead meat.
Defensive Cooldowns
Shield Probe (Defense Screen) can be used off cooldown. Evasion (Dodge) is best saved to mitigate incoming white burst or to reflect yellow damage.
There are a few abilities you can counter with precise timing of Exfiltrate (Scamper). One of these is Thermal Detonator (Assault Plastique), belonging to the Advanced Prototype/Tactics and Innovative Ordnance/Assault Specialist disciplines: you want to roll right before it goes off to mitigate the damage. With Force Leech (Force Serenity), Ambush (Aimed Shot) and Thundering Blast (Turbulence), you want to Exfiltrate (Scamper) just before the casts complete. Beyond that, recognizing each discipline’s attack patterns and trying to roll preemptively takes practice.
It’s a lesser-known fact that Exfiltrate (Scamper) affects your stealth level. Essentially, when you roll, you are moving too fast to trigger an enemy’s stealth detection. This is extremely useful against Snipers, whose passive ability Spotter (Ready for Anything) increases their stealth detection while in cover. When you roll near them while stealthed, they are unable to see you at all. This Exfiltrate (Scamper) mechanic also counters Stealth Scan (Stealth Scan), allowing you to roll right through the scan without being detected.
Finally, proper use of Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) and Diagnostic Scan (Diagnostic Scan) is crucial. Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) can be used any time you use Debilitate (Dirty Kick) or Crippling Slice (Shank Shot), providing a burst heal to mitigate incoming damage. The only time you can really use Diagnostic Scan (Diagnostic Scan) is after a successful Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) or Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer). You can then use Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs), Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) and Diagnostic Scan (Diagnostic Scan). From there, try to keep
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) up throughout the fight (minus stealth phases) and use Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) whenever you can.

General Tips
While Volatile Substance can be applied through Force Barrier (Force Barrier), the Scrapper Scoundrel mirror ability, Blood Boiler, is bugged and cannot.
Madness Sorcerers (Balance Sages) are one of the easier matchups for a Concealment Operative, simply because they’re so squishy. It’s vital to stick to them with Holotraverse (Trick Move) and Exfiltrate (Scamper) and keep them slowed when their Force Speed (Force Speed) is down. It is also key to interrupt when you can to save your Exfiltrate (Scamper) resists for two key abilities.
- The highest priority is their Force Leech (Force Serenity), which has a 1.5-second cast time. This ability is their heavy hitter, especially with Recklessness (Force Potency). A successful roll resist will mitigate a lot of damage, saving you from overhealing yourself and so shortening the fight.
- The second priority, which is a little trickier to time, is their Force Lightning (Telekinetic Throw) → instant Demolish (Vanquish). If you don’t roll it successfully, use Evasion (Dodge) to cleanse it. The typical Madness Sorcerer will cast Force Lightning (Telekinetic Throw) and immediately use Demolish (Vanquish). The easiest way to counter it is to watch their cast bar and Exfiltrate (Scamper) with 0.3–0.7 seconds remaining. If you manage to Exfiltrate (Scamper) in that window, you will also catch their Demolish (Vanquish) in the last split second of your resist buff on Exfiltrate (Scamper), avoiding a lot of follow-up DoT damage.
Once you have the timing of Exfiltrate (Scamper) down, it’s a matter of staying in melee range of your target. Note that most Sorcerers will Phase Walk (Phase Walk) to kite you: save your Holotraverse (Trick Move) for this. If Holotraverse (Trick Move) is on cooldown, your only option is to Exfiltrate (Scamper) to close the distance. If you have to Exfiltrate (Scamper), you need to do so in a very timely manner, making sure not to overlap the resist buff. This will typically counter any Phase Walk (Phase Walk) play.
Lastly, the biggest complaint I’ve heard from other Concealment Operatives is Force Barrier (Force Barrier). There are actually two easy solutions.
- Stand next to them while they are channeling Force Barrier (Force Barrier). Note that Operatives can preset Volatile Substance on Sorcerers while they are channeling, whereas Scrapper Scoundrels cannot preset their Blood Boiler (due to a bug). Once Volatile Substance is applied, you have one job (don't screw this up, Jim), which is to Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) immediately after the channel ends. This will catch their Enduring Bastion in its full 8-second duration—no time wasted tunneling into that forsaken bubble.
- As above with one minor change. After presetting your Volatile Substance, you can /dance for the remainder of their Force Barrier (Force Barrier) channel. After using Flash Bang (Flash Grenade), /dance again while you wait for their Enduring Bastion to expire.
You rarely see Lightning Sorcerers (Telekinetics Sages) in duels but it’s still worth covering their abilities. This matchup is identical to Madness (Balance) but for two key differences.
- Instead of trying to Exfiltrate (Scamper) their Force Leech (Force Serenity), you are now going to Exfiltrate (Scamper) their Thundering Blast (Turbulence) cast. Doing so will allow you to not only resist Thundering Blast (Turbulence) but the instant Chain Lightning (Telekinetic Wave) that follows.
- Don’t bother trying to interrupt Lightning Sorcerers. Their Conduction (Tremors) passive grants them 4 seconds of immunity to interrupts and pushback every time they are interrupted (on a 15-second rate limit). Instead, just go ham, staying in range to beat/stab them to a pulp.

General Tips
Against all three Assassin disciplines, kite for the duration of their Force Shroud (Resilience).
Darkness/Kinetic Combat
Typically, Darkness Assassins (Kinetic Combat Shadows) run full DPS gear (including the DPS set bonuses) to maximize DPS while benefiting from the damage reduction in the tank tree. This matchup is fairly straightforward; there are two key points.
- Once the stealth phase ends, the highest priority is rolling as many Depredating Volts (Cascading Debris) channels as possible: they hurt. You can get by with simply rolling once, then using Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) to mitigate the last tick of the channel. Fairly easy to see and to time.
- The second priority during the fight is to watch for their Force Shroud (Resilience). This grants them immunity to Force and tech damage for 3 seconds (5 seconds with the Disjunction (Mind over Matter) utility). Once you see Force Shroud (Resilience), run away, Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) yourself, pop Shield Probe (Defense Screen) if available and kite your opponent for the duration. Keep in mind that you can apply Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) right as Force Shroud (Resilience) ends to catch them off guard with burst.
This is one of Concealment’s harder matchups, owing to Deception’s massive burst damage. Here are the key points.
- Rather than timing/anticipating a particular ability, to successfully roll resist Deception Assassins’ big hits, you need to pay attention to their buff bar for certain procs. The first you want to watch for is Static Charge (Breaching Shadows), which shares its icon with Discharge (Force Breach). Each stack (up to three) progressively increases the damage of their next Discharge (Force Breach). When you see them hit three stacks, it’s advisible to Exfiltrate (Scamper) in hopes of resisting it. Another proc to watch for is Voltage (Clairvoyance), which shares its icon with Voltaic Slash (Clairvoyant Strike). This stacks up to twice, with each stack giving their Ball Lightning (Psychokinetic Blast) a 50% chance to trigger Surging Charge (Shadow Technique) off its normal, 6-second rate limit, which additionally generates a stack of Static Charge (Breaching Shadows).
- Of utmost importance when dueling Deception Assassins is to not panic break. If you freak out and mistime your breaker, a competent Assassin will capitalize. Typically, they will use a Low Slash (Low Slash) → Maul (Shadow Strike), Ball Lightning (Psychokinetic Blast) or Discharge (Force Breach) → Electrocute (Force Stun) combination. Don’t panic break the Low Slash (Low Slash) or you’ll be screwed later in the duel. Simply wait for Electrocute (Force Stun), break it, camera spin + Debilitate (Dirty Kick) to shut them down. If you spin and stun them quickly enough, you have a good chance of baiting out their CC breaker. If they break before they’re white-barred, you are looking at an easy win! Keep calm, play around them not having a breaker, time your burst rotation as stated above and abuse their vulnerability to CC.
- If low on health, they will most likely try to stealth out with Force Cloak (Force Cloak), sap you with Mind Trap (Mind Maze) and find a safe place to regenerate while out of combat. If they successfully sap you while your CC breaker is available and you are confident in finishing the job, break the sap, Holotraverse (Trick Move) to cover ground (if necessary), lock them down and finish them. It gets tricky when they pull off a sap regen when your CC breaker is on cooldown. In this situation, you need to stay calm and follow their movements. If they follow up by going into stealth, do the same (essentially resetting the fight).
This matchup can be played defensively or aggressively.
- Novice duelists should play cautiously. Hatred might have seen some nerfs, but its potential damage output is still huge. The key things to watch for in this matchup are their Leeching Strike (Serenity Strike) and Thrash (Double Strike). If you are under the effects of their Discharge (Force Breach) debuff, those abilities will proc their instant-cast Demolish (Vanquish). In this situation, roll Leeching Strike (Serenity Strike) or Thrash (Double Strike) immediately to resist their Demolish (Vanquish) and avoid a lot of damage.
- More experienced duelists can play aggressively, popping Shield Probe (Defense Screen), Evasion (Dodge), Stim Boost (Pugnacity) and keeping up
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) to mitigate incoming damage. Whether or not you get the opener (outlined above), stick to them and maintain the pressure. Exfiltrate (Scamper) only when you think they are going to use Demolish (Vanquish).

General Tips
- The key point to bear in mind when dueling Marauders is to kite or CC them for the duration of their Undying Rage (Guarded by the Force). They are all but unkillable while it’s active.
- Note that Marauders have high mobility and can purge roots and slows with Predation (Transcendence). They also have a lot of powerful cooldowns that you will have to burn through, including Cloak of Pain (Rebuke) and Saber Ward (Saber Ward). In particular, try to hold your burst when under the effects of Obfuscate (Pacify). Good Marauders will take the Ruthless Aggressor (Zealous Judgment) utility, which (as of game update 5.9) reduces the damage they take from Force and tech attacks by 75% for its 6-second duration.
- The Blood Ward (Zealous Ward) utility, which is commonly taken, also grants Marauders 6 seconds of immunity to stun, sleep, lift and incapacitating effects when they use Saber Ward (Saber Ward). Additionally, they are healed for 3% of their maximum health whenever they are attacked while Saber Ward (Saber Ward) is active.
- Marauders under the effects of Force Camouflage (Force Camouflage) can only be decloaked with Stealth Scan (Stealth Scan): you will just have to wait it out then find them before they can recover their health.
- Finally, while the Overwhelm (Debilitation) utility is less commonly taken now, if you are rooted by Ravage (Blade Barrage), purge it with Countermeasures (Surrender) then follow with a roll.
Remember to use Evasion (Dodge) when you are under the effects of both Deadly Saber (Overload Saber) and Rupture (Cauterize).
This is an otherwise straightforward fight.
Carnage saw a significant change with game update 5.6. Instead of granting +100% armor penetration for three seconds, Ferocity (Precision) is now stack-based, granting an additional third stack if used while Berserk (Zen) is active.
Though their burst potential is now lower, these stacks last ten seconds, making it trickier to avoid their big hits. Try to save your Evasion (Dodge) for these Ferocity (Precision) windows: their Ravage (Blade Barrage), Gore (Lance) and Vicious Throw (Dispatch) will miss and you can reflect their Devastating Blast (Clashing Blast).
If they activate Ferocity (Precision) while you are stunned and low on health, break immediately and either
- follow up with a Debilitate (Dirty Kick) or Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) or
- run!
Do this and it should be an easy win.
As with Carnage, Fury’s burst is scary if your CC breaker is on cooldown. Save your Shield Probe (Defense Screen) for their Obliterate (Zealous Leap) and use your Evasion (Dodge) to cleanse Force Crush (Force Exhaustion).
Note that their Gravity Vortex (Gravity Vortex) passive ability grants them 6 seconds of immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects after using Force Crush (Force Exhaustion): don’t waste CCs on them during this window.
Aside from that, play it the same as against Carnage and Annihilation, using Countermeasures (Surrender) to purge their Ravage (Blade Barrage) root and roll away. Stun lock them, burst and Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) when their Undying Rage (Guarded by the Force) is active.

General Tips
Firstly, do not tunnel into Saber Reflect (Saber Reflect). Debilitate (Dirty Kick) them and wait it out. If Debilitate (Dirty Kick) is on cooldown, use Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) and move directly behind them. If you can’t do either, Exfiltrate (Scamper) away and kite for its duration.
Secondly, save your Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) for their Enraged Defense (Focused Defense). This stacked buff heals them every time they take damage (12 charges lasting 15 seconds). If you don’t have Flash Bang (Flash Grenade), your only other option is to use Cloaking Screen (Disappearing Act) and sap them for the duration. You should only ever hit a Juggernaut under the effects of Enraged Defense (Focused Defense) if all you have available is Debilitate (Dirty Kick) or Crippling Slice (Shank Shot), in which case you have to abuse the 270° hitbox and kite them for its duration.
After recent buffs to Immortal’s damage output, they are more frequently seen in duels. They have high survivability and burst—be careful. Generally, you play against Juggernauts the same as against Marauders. Heed the two key points for dueling Juggernauts (above), use your rolls defensively and keep Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) up. Don’t hesitate to cast Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) while they are hard stunned, mezzed or rooted with Crippling Slice (Shank Shot).
Their burst demands respect and is scary if Escape (Escape) is on cooldown. This matchup can be played exactly as against Fury Marauders (with the addition of the Saber Reflect (Saber Reflect) and Enraged Defense (Focused Defense) mechanics described above). Reminders: use your Evasion (Dodge) to cleanse their Force Crush (Force Exhaustion), try to roll after every leap and play around your stuns.

General Tips
Mercenaries (Commandos) have enjoyed some major buffs with 5.0. This matchup can be a rollercoaster of emotions: their powerful DCDs can mitigate and undo a lot of your damage.
Firstly, the Trauma Regulators (Trauma Stabilizers) utility in the heroic tier causes them to generate a stack of Trauma Regulators (Trauma Stabilizers) (up to 10 stacks) whenever they receive direct damage for the 12-second duration of their Energy Shield (Reactive Shield). When Energy Shield (Reactive Shield) expires, they are healed for 4% of their maximum health per stack—up to 40%. When coupled with the Energy Rebounder (Reflexive Shield) utility, which reduces the active cooldown of Energy Shield (Reactive Shield) whenever they take damage, Energy Shield (Reactive Shield) becomes the one of the most potent DCDs in the game.
It’s best to either Debilitate (Dirty Kick) or Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) them and wait it out. However, if you feel confident, you can keep attacking in hopes of making them panic and forcing a Kolto Overload (Adrenaline Rush), which rapidly heals them up to 60% of their maximum health with the Kolto Surge (Adrenal Surge) utility, or Responsive Safeguards (Echoing Deterrence), which absorbs 100% and reflects 50% of incoming single-target damage (as well as healing them for 5% of their maximum HP for each attack absorbed).
Take note that more skilled Mercenaries will simply right-click their Energy Shield (Reactive Shield) buff, ending it early and triggering the heal from Trauma Regulators (Trauma Stabilizers). As such, it’s best to CC them during this and their other major cooldowns. This way, you create windows to heal yourself. Take your time and play cautiously.
Secondly, Electro Net (Electro Net) is their biggest threat. The easiest counter is to pop Stim Boost (Pugnacity) and tank it. Specifically, my response is to use
- Stim Boost (Pugnacity),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Shield Probe (Defense Screen),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac),
- Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack),
- Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) then
- Diagnostic Scan (Diagnostic Scan).
If they interrupt your Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack), simply reapply Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) then use Diagnostic Scan (Diagnostic Scan). Your job is to heal yourself and tank as much damage as possible over the 9-second duration of Electro Net (Electro Net).
Mercenaries saw a minor nerf with game update 5.6. Trauma Regulators (Trauma Stabilizers) previously granted 15 stacks that healed for 5% each, healing for up to 75%. Additionally, Kolto Surge (Adrenal Surge) healed up to 70% of maximum health. Finally, Trauma Regulators (Trauma Stabilizers) was made a heroic utility and Kolto Surge (Adrenal Surge) was made a legendary utility.
Try to save something for each Blazing Bolts (Boltstorm)—either Exfiltrate (Scamper) or Evasion (Dodge)—to mitigate the filler.
Note that their Decoy (Decoy) passive causes Chaff Flare (Diversion) to grant them five charges that absorb the next five incoming Force or tech attacks (lasts up to 10 seconds).
Innovative Ordnance/Assault Specialist
Mechanically, this fight is the same as the other DoT specs. Save your Evasion (Dodge) for when they have applied all their DoTs then play aggressively.
Make sure you roll as your initial gap closer. Generally, once the Electro Net (Electro Net) burst ends, you’ll have already cleansed all their DoTs: if you then Exfiltrate (Scamper) to close the gap, you will resist any DoTs they try to apply for 1.5 seconds, forcing them to reapply them.
Their Degauss (Degauss) passive causes Chaff Flare (Diversion) to increase their Defense Chance by 35% for 6 seconds when activated. This does affect Concealment/Scrapper, giving IO Mercenaries a chance to resist some of your attacks. If they take the Supercharged Defense (Supercharged Defense) utility, Chaff Flare (Diversion) also stacks with Supercharged Gas (Supercharged Cell) to give them +50% Defense Chance. In this situation, CC them and wait for their cooldowns to end.
You should also try to time Exfiltrate (Scamper) to resist their Thermal Detonator (Assault Plastique).

Shield Tech/Shield Specialist
You will rarely see Shield Tech Powertechs in duels. Simply play around your stun locks, CC during their Kolto Overload (Adrenaline Rush), roll away from Firestorm (Ion Storm) (keep an eye out for their Flame Engine (Pulse Engine) proc), keep Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) up and have your way with them.
Advanced Prototype/Tactics
This is the scariest matchup in terms of single-target burst. These are the key points.
- Don’t get globalled. The easiest way to mitigate their burst is to roll just before Thermal Detonator (Assault Plastique) goes off—either listen for the audio cue or watch the debuff on your bar.
- Use Toxin Scan (Triage) to cleanse debuffs that increase the damage you take. The easiest, least stressful time to do so is during a stun window (if you can’t burst). Otherwise, Exfiltrate (Scamper) away from (or through) them, cleanse yourself then Holotraverse (Trick Move) back to them.
- Sonic Missile (Sonic Round) grants them +30% Defense Chance (via the Sonic Defense (Sonic Defense) passive), just like Innovative Ordnance Mercenaries. Expect some of your attacks to be resisted when it’s active.
- You also need to be mindful of their Energy Shield (Reactive Shield): if they are running the Pyro Shield (Electro Shield) utility, you will take elemental damage for each of your direct damage attacks on them for the duration of their Energy Shield (Reactive Shield) (up to once per second). You may want to play defensively: Flash Bang (Flash Grenade), wait it out then drop them when it ends. Otherwise, you’ll need to kite it. It’s not a bad idea to do so, saving your Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) for their Kolto Overload (Adrenaline Rush): let it heal them to 35% then expire so you can finish them.
- As well as timing Exfiltrate (Scamper) to avoid Thermal Detonator (Assault Plastique), roll right after they use Rocket Punch (Stockstrike), Shatter Slug (Flak Shell) and Magnetic Blast (Tactical Surge). These abilities proc their Prototype Particle Accelerator (Tactical Accelerator), which gives them a free Rail Shot (High Impact Bolt) up to every 6 seconds.
- Don’t play too aggressively. AP burst, even after the Surge nerf, is huge: they can mess you up quicker than you can them. Exfiltrate (Scamper) to avoid Thermal Detonator (Assault Plastique) and Rail Shot (High Impact Bolt), CC them during their cooldowns, keep
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) up and use Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) whenever you can.
- Finally, never break Carbonize (Neural Surge). Save your breaker for when you are white-barred by their Electro Dart (Cryo Grenade).
One of the weakest specs in the game at present. Its DoTs don’t do a lot of damage and are just a nuisance. As with Innovative Ordnance, save your Evasion (Dodge) for when all their DoTs are applied. Another key mechanic is that their Kolto Overload (Adrenaline Rush) gives them 30% damage reduction while active: when you see it, it’s best to Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) them and wait it out.

General Tips
- Never CC into their Entrench (Hunker Down).
- They have some powerful DCDs. You will need to pay close attention to make sure you’re stalling when you need to.
- Stay out of their Diversion (Diversion). Exfiltrate (Scamper), Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) yourself and get out of their line of sight; trying to hit them through Diversion (Diversion) is pointless and can cost you the duel. Note that Marksmanship Snipers (Sharpshooter Gunslingers) benefit from the Heavy Diversion (Percussive Diversion) passive, causing the effects of Diversion (Diversion) to persist on you for three seconds after leaving its area of effect.
- Players of all three Sniper disciplines will generally take both the Tactical Retreat (Bait and Switch) utility, which gives them a 10% heal on Covered Escape (Hightail It), and Defensive Safeguards (Shield Reserve), which (among other things) heals them over time while they are inside their Ballistic Shield (Scrambling Field). While Tactical Retreat (Bait and Switch) is nothing to worry about, you must stall their Ballistic Shield (Scrambling Field) for its 20-second duration: in addition to its heal over time, it also gives them (and their allies) 20% damage reduction and immunity to knockdowns and physics (pulls, etc.). With Defensive Safeguards (Shield Reserve), they gain an additional 5% damage reduction for each enemy within their Ballistic Shield (Scrambling Field) (up to four). Try to Flash Bang (Flash Grenade) them then create and maintain as much distance as possible for its duration.
Snipers saw a minor nerf with game update 5.6. The heal given to Ballistic Shield (Scrambling Field) by Defensive Safeguards (Shield Reserve) has been reduced from 3% to 1% of maximum health per second while under Ballistic Shield (Scrambling Field).
A scary fight given their high burst potential. In addition to the general mechanics described above, you must Exfiltrate (Scamper) their Ambush (Aimed Shot) whenever possible. Watch their cast bar, roll accordingly to mitigate the damage then start your rotation. Remember to avoid standing in their Diversion (Diversion) and not to stun them while under the effects of Entrench (Hunker Down). Snipers have great survivability in the current patch: stay focused and don’t let the prospect of a drawn-out fight get to you.
Perhaps the most frustrating matchup in the game, the deck is stacked in favor of your opponent. Engineering’s toolkit has control for days, powerful DCDs and nearly 100% damage uptime. Plasma Probe (Incendiary Grenade), their AoE slow (50% movement speed reduction, 8-metre radius), is a particular nuisance. Save Evasion (Dodge) for when you see Explosive Probe (Sabotage Charge) on you and they start channeling Series of Shots (Speed Shot); it’s not the end of the world if Explosive Probe (Sabotage Charge) detonates because the follow-up damage is greater.
My recommended utility loadout for dueling Engineering Snipers is
- Chem-resistant Inlays (Scar Tissue),
- Nanotech Suit (Smuggled Get-up),
- Fortified Kolto (Supplemented Medpac),
- Med Shield (Med Screen),
- Cunning Competencies (Dirty Trickster),
- Evasive Imperative (Scramble),
- Revitalizers (Surprise Comeback) and
- Augmented Shields (Hotwired Defenses).
They have a secondary, 2-second stun on EMP Discharge (Sabotage) if you are under the effects of their Interrogation Probe (Shock Charge) and Plasma Probe (Incendiary Grenade). It’s important not to break this: they can close the gap and wreck you with
- Maim (Below the Belt),
- Explosive Probe (Sabotage Charge),
- Covered Escape (Hightail It) then
- Series of Shots (Speed Shot).
In summary, keep Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) up and avoid their Explosive Probe (Sabotage Charge) and stun combos. Try to save Exfiltrate (Scamper), Evasion (Dodge) or Shield Probe (Defense Screen) for each Series of Shots (Speed Shot) + Explosive Probe (Sabotage Charge)—one of them should always be off cooldown for this.
If you need to heal, break their line of sight to avoid being interrupted. Expect this fight to drag on, sometimes longer than typical duels against other Operatives. Don’t be disheartened if you lose: on paper, the Engineering Sniper has the advantage.
Virulence/Dirty Fighting
This fight is harder than in previous patches because their improved defensive cooldowns give them more Cull (Wounding Shots) uptime. However, this is still one of Concealment’s easier matchups. Save (preferably) Exfiltrate (Scamper), Evasion (Dodge) or Shield Probe (Defense Screen) for each Cull (Wounding Shots) and you’re halfway to winning the duel. You’ll be forced to eat Cull (Wounding Shots) every now and then—and it will hurt—so just heal back up.

This can be the most stressful—and beautiful—fight in the game. It demands concentration, endurance and a firm grasp of all the concepts covered throughout this guide, as well as some specific to this mirror matchup.
- Prepare for a long duel where the tables can turn quickly. You need to stay calm and focused while dancing with your opponent, something that only comes with practice.
- Never break the first stun. Breaking without a full resolve bar is basically suicide. Try to break as soon as your resolve bar is filled to take advantage of the CC-immunity window and deal damage. If your opponent breaks early (before they’re white-barred), punish them. Play aggressively but don’t lose sight of the game plan.
These are the key plays and counterplays to memorize.
What if I lose the stealth phase, i.e., my opponent opens on me?
There are three variants to this counterplay.
- The textbook opener is Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) → Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) →
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) (for relic procs) → Debilitate (Dirty Kick) into burst rotation. Hang tight and don’t panic break the sap. You can counter this opener by waiting for their Debilitate (Dirty Kick), immediately breaking it, turning to face them and following up with your own Debilitate (Dirty Kick) combo.
- If, instead of Debilitate (Dirty Kick), they use Crippling Slice (Shank Shot), use Countermeasures (Surrender) instead of Escape (Escape) and either follow up with Debilitate (Dirty Kick) or your own Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) to reduce the early pressure. If you accidentally break (rather than purge) Crippling Slice (Shank Shot), stay calm: you can compensate for your mistake by playing more defensively.
- One of the rarer openers is Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) → Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) → Backstab (Back Blast) into burst. This generally only happens if their Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) ends up filling your resolve bar. The simple counter is to Exfiltrate (Scamper) on Backstab (Back Blast), delaying the Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) detonation and creating distance. If you roll correctly, you also resist the entire Acid Blade (Flechette Round) DoT, preventing Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) going off at all.
What if I win the stealth phase, i.e., get the opener?
Again, there are three variants to this play.
- As above, the optimal opener is Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) → Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) →
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) (for relic procs) → Debilitate (Dirty Kick) → Veiled Strike (Bludgeon) → Backstab (Back Blast). This generates maximum burst as Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) detonates after their
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) fall off for 6% less damage reduction.
- As above but substituting Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) for Debilitate (Dirty Kick). The idea is to try and bait out your opponent’s CC breaker: many Operatives will anticipate the Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and break reflexively instead of waiting for and reacting to their opponent’s next play.
- Finally, if your Sleep Dart (Tranquilizer) fills their resolve bar, follow with Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) →
Kolto Probes (Slow-release Medpacs) → Backstab (Back Blast). Typically, your opponent will Exfiltrate (Scamper) to delay/prevent Acid Blade (Flechette Round) triggering Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler). Give chase or trigger Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) with Corrosive Dart (Vital Shot).
When should I play aggressively?
There are two key windows during which to play aggressively. These correspond to your buffs, CCs and offensive cooldowns.
- During a full, 4-second Debilitate (Dirty Kick) stun. With Debilitate (Dirty Kick) on a 30-second cooldown and Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) on an 18-second cooldown, you can set up a Volatile Substance (Blood Boiler) burst every other Debilitate (Dirty Kick) window.
- During a Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) root. At some point, your opponent will be unable to cleanse or purge the Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) root, during which time you can burst without fear of them mitigating/reflecting your damage.
When should I play defensively?
The safest way to approach this mirror matchup is to
- maintain two stacks of Kolto Probe (Slow-release Medpac) on yourself,
- use Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) when you see an opportunity, rotating it with every Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and Crippling Slice (Shank Shot),
- burst in the Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) windows, as described above,
- use Exfiltrate (Scamper), Crippling Slice (Shank Shot) and Sever Tendon (Tendon Blast) to create distance and
- avoid their burst windows, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Owing to Lethality’s powerful self-healing, this matchup is the longest in the game. Your objective is to wear your opponent down enough to set up—and finish them within—a Debilitate (Dirty Kick) burst window.
- Corrosive Assault (Brutal Shots), which sounds nearly identical to Cull (Wounding Shots), applies a short debuff. You need to either Exfiltrate (Scamper) to resist or (easier) use Evasion (Dodge) to cleanse yourself. Otherwise, your opponent will Debilitate (Dirty Kick) and Toxic Blast (Sanguinary Shot) you for your health bar.
- Shadow Operative Elite (Slippery Devil) is a passive exclusive to Concealment so Lethality Operatives don’t have dodge/resist on Exfiltrate (Scamper). Stick to your opponent, keeping them slowed/rooted as much as possible to maintain pressure.
- Instead of dodge/resist, Lethality Operatives get an instant, free Kolto Infusion (Kolto Pack) on Exfiltrate (Scamper) (from the Quickening (Scurry) passive).
- Save your offensive cooldowns (including Tactical Superiority (Stack the Deck), if available) for the final burst window. Aim to get your opponent down to about 50% of their HP: this should secure a kill.
Firstly, thanks to my editor and collaborator, rambol, for revising and honing the text and formatting it for web.
Secondly, thanks to doc, who coauthored the previous version of this guide with me, for his significant contributions to the text.
Thirdly, I must thank KissingAiur (Hottie) for encouraging me to write this guide in the first place and for her suggestions and contributions to the text.
Finally, thanks to everyone in my guild, Sick Twisted Individuals: you are like a second family. Thanks especially to my boy Currik, who spent countless hours dueling me and helping me sharpen my skills in Concealment. Without you, I wouldn’t have come this far.
About the Author
I go by Knin and play mostly on Satele Shan and Star Forge. This is my second guide to Concealment in PvP; I coauthored my first with Dr. Gf (now known as doc) for game update 4.0.
I’m a SWTOR veteran and passionate about all things Concealment. I don’t want to know how many thousands of warzones or how many hours of solo and team ranked I’ve played throughout the seasons: I’d probably cry. I love dueling and try to take part in as many tournaments as my time permits.
If you are interested in watching the only retro, 8-bit SWTOR stream in existence (owing to my 1.5MB upload speed), you can catch me over at